Where wonder takes you…
I truly believe that people don’t need a special talent to live an extraordinary life. Amazing things can happen when people live with passion and curiosity.
You don’t need a special talent to wonder. Wonder is the birthplace of action and fun.
Wonder is the spark that asks “where do we go now”? It begins a journey.
If you’re looking for your audience members to dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, and to run where the brave dare not go — oh wait, these are from an Andy Williams song — Let’s just chat.
I promise I won’t sing to you (much)!
Rethinking limits
How does a non-athlete, mediocre runner decide to attempt the world’s most difficult races? Not to mention the most costly?
This inspiring video showcases how Linh’s #luckpusher attitude led her to the start line and her humor and tenacity got her to the finish line.
Watch her funny (Linh-funny) and inspiring TEDx Talk!